Thursday, February 26, 2009

first day

well not really....but this week was the 'official' start of my year at artist in residence at cpit. on monday there was a meet & greet for the new budding photog's, those returning from last year & the tutors...oh and me.
i got the opportunity to speak momentarily to the group, introduce myself and say a few choice words. i emphasised the point made earlier by the head of school, Hubert Klaassens, that the students should respect and drink in the knowledge of the tutors. the tutors on the photography course are the biggest asset to the course programme. they give their all and make themselves as available as much as possible for students. they are always willing to offer advice and also take on board comments from the students.
hand in hand with the information that comes from the faculty staff, comes what is learnt by fellow students outside of the classroom walls. during my two years as a student, i was lucky enough to have the very giving john o'malley. john would always be coming into school with information, tools and ideas he had found, generally via the internet. his openness to share enhanced our learning environment, and encouraged others to share also.
working in our industry can be pretty isolating, and so the importance of creating great relationships with fellow students can't be reiterated enough. once you are in the big wide world you need to keep learnign and developing and having fellow collegues you can meet regularly with and discuss is invaluable. john and i often meet up and discuss new things we have learn't and discovered which will help both of us grow.
finally as promised - some more of my work :D

all images ©Kirsty Macdonald


where have i been, what have i been doing

my blogging seemingly has been blocked for the past near 18 months....whoops. that, or life just got in the way. i'm going for the first option. i was blocked. not necessarily creatively, maybe just a little forgetfully...that is i forgot i had a blog! hence i didn't blog. sad state of affairs that.
but it's a new year (yada yada) so time to start anew and continue with more ramblings about stuff.... plus i i'll try and showcase my pieces de resistance....which i'll start now with a few choice pieces from last year......more will follow

this year i have been chosen to be the photographic artist in residence at cpit, where i studied for the last two years. what this means is, i get mentored, get to use the school's facilities and am surrounded by a whole lot of like minded people(or something close to...actually in some [or maybe most] cases the total opposite) for another year. hopefully this will lead to creating some interesting pieces of work that will make you all think a little more about stuff

that's allthe stuff i have for was hard getting even that much...maybe it will get easier again....gotta get back to cooking my dinner(don't have a heart attack)...making a bean stew, off the top of my head even!!!! maybe this WILL be a very different year


About This Blog

this is the current showpiece for the work of kirsty macdonald. primarily a fine art photographer, she also dabbles in an array of other photographic areas - portraits, weddings, commercial.
kirsty can be contacted at

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