Thursday, February 26, 2009

where have i been, what have i been doing

my blogging seemingly has been blocked for the past near 18 months....whoops. that, or life just got in the way. i'm going for the first option. i was blocked. not necessarily creatively, maybe just a little forgetfully...that is i forgot i had a blog! hence i didn't blog. sad state of affairs that.
but it's a new year (yada yada) so time to start anew and continue with more ramblings about stuff.... plus i i'll try and showcase my pieces de resistance....which i'll start now with a few choice pieces from last year......more will follow

this year i have been chosen to be the photographic artist in residence at cpit, where i studied for the last two years. what this means is, i get mentored, get to use the school's facilities and am surrounded by a whole lot of like minded people(or something close to...actually in some [or maybe most] cases the total opposite) for another year. hopefully this will lead to creating some interesting pieces of work that will make you all think a little more about stuff

that's allthe stuff i have for was hard getting even that much...maybe it will get easier again....gotta get back to cooking my dinner(don't have a heart attack)...making a bean stew, off the top of my head even!!!! maybe this WILL be a very different year


About This Blog

this is the current showpiece for the work of kirsty macdonald. primarily a fine art photographer, she also dabbles in an array of other photographic areas - portraits, weddings, commercial.
kirsty can be contacted at

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