Moments in Time
Our life is full of moments. So many moments. Some good. Some bad. Some memorable. Most not.
The past few weeks have been FULL of moments for me, which has made me think, about moments. What do they mean? Are they literally just that, moments? Or should more be taken from them.
The past few weeks have been FULL of moments for me, which has made me think, about moments. What do they mean? Are they literally just that, moments? Or should more be taken from them.
For all of us, some moments stand out more than others. Some are more memorable, some are less memorable… some just stick in our minds for no other reason than they happened. What is it that makes them memorable, even when they are, just, daily happenings?Back to my earlier thought, should I take something from these moments? And if so, what really is more important than the next?
I have recently had moments that will change me, and my life journey. Exactly how they will affect me overall I do not know yet, but I can feel that these moments were more than just your every day events.

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