Wednesday, June 23, 2010

months go by

at a seemingly excessive pace this year!  we are all but a few day's off the middle of the year, and honestly where have the past six months disappeared to. 
having been in the education system for the past three years, and now teaching(and having a partner still studying), my body still thinks the year only begins at that last week of february.   so really then, i'm not quite half way through the year, and only four months have gone by!  need to get my body sorted quick smart, as i can't live the rest of my life in the nine month system that is tertiary education (and barely that).
still, the first half of this year hasn't past by with nothing happening.  as mentioned in previous posts, i have been doing some work for cpit. below are a selection from past shoots that i have been remiss in posting separately


About This Blog

this is the current showpiece for the work of kirsty macdonald. primarily a fine art photographer, she also dabbles in an array of other photographic areas - portraits, weddings, commercial.
kirsty can be contacted at

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