Sunday, March 14, 2010

morwilkie swamp

when i was in auckland recently i had the pleasure of photographing the morris/wilkinson clan.  a friend had brought them a voucher for christmas to have family portraits taken out at their way cool new house in murawai (west of auckland).  i was so excited because along with getting to shoot the family, i could make a quick side jaunt to my favourite beach, maori bay.  alas the weather wasn't so great for seeing the beach, but perfectly diffused light for portraits.  the kids were super awesome, and the younger one was even telling me he loved me within half an hour of me being there(apparently it's quite common for him to do this - bless).


About This Blog

this is the current showpiece for the work of kirsty macdonald. primarily a fine art photographer, she also dabbles in an array of other photographic areas - portraits, weddings, commercial.
kirsty can be contacted at

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