Saturday, July 3, 2010

jumping outside the rectangle

it's good for one's soul to look at things outside their normal boundaries.  i'm not so good at this concept, so when i was up very early one very crisp, clear morning recently i did wonder for a moment(or three) that i was perhaps mistaken about this.
i had been commissioned take a photo of cass bay, one of the many bays on lyttleton harbour.  i think seeing the same landscape so often, you forget about the beauty of it.  but once you start to actually look at it in details you realise what a stunning country we live in.
i managed to please the client, so i was happy.....maybe i have a new avenue to pursue


About This Blog

this is the current showpiece for the work of kirsty macdonald. primarily a fine art photographer, she also dabbles in an array of other photographic areas - portraits, weddings, commercial.
kirsty can be contacted at

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