Monday, October 18, 2010


i did a shoot back in september that i squeezed in for a family visiting from australia.  it was during a week that i already had shoots (sometimes more than one) on every day...i was frantic. 
it was a very random meeting of an acquaintance of mine that they came to me and  i had organised someone to do the shoot for them, but bless them, they wanted me to do it.
it was a stunning, but very chilly morning (esp as they hail from the sunshine coast).  i was freezing and i was dressed much more appropriately(not having to be in front of the camera) than they were.  but they were troopers, even when i was fussing trying to find the right light, they just hung on in there.
gorgeous story, this couple were over with their daughter celebrating their 15th wedding anniversary.  they had eloped all those years ago and were married in hagley park under a stunning old oak tree. 
they were also the first wedding for wesley of "punting on the avon".... oh how i love me a good story.
thanks for sharing your story with me anita, craig and layla. 


About This Blog

this is the current showpiece for the work of kirsty macdonald. primarily a fine art photographer, she also dabbles in an array of other photographic areas - portraits, weddings, commercial.
kirsty can be contacted at

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